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The Top 10 BEST UK Universities for INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 2022/2023!

The United Kingdom UK possesses a greater number of universities with exceptional quality of education. In QS World University Ranking 2022, names of about 90 universities were selected. The universities of the UK have inspired an infinite number of people whether it's about art, film or literature. The UK is one of those countries that are diverse in an incredible way. Diverse in a sense that after every 30 miles, people can find a new accent. The best universities in the UK are mainly in: Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and England. Most of the universities welcome international students but most of them are renowned for providing education to students that come from abroad.

The Education System Of the UK

In the UK, each region follows its own system of education. Because the criteria of education are different in every region. There are systems of education that provides a high level of education and that are:

● Higher Education Colleges

● University Colleges

● Universities

● Private colleges.

Students usually start undergraduate courses from the age of 18. The courses range from higher education certificates and diplomas to BS degrees. The awards are ranked in the form of levels. Like, if a diploma of higher education HE is at level 5, whereas a degree in any field is at level 7.

Postgraduate study can be availed by any student who has completed their degree. It has a variety of graduate diplomas, postgraduate certificates and different master's degrees. Many schools also offer students an integrated degree of masters that automatically fills the gap between undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

Once a person has completed their undergraduate and postgraduate studies, they are able to qualify for admissions in PhD or professional doctorate (the highest degree of education in England). Other countries in the UK have similar educational criteria to this, but some slight differences can be noticed by students who are studying in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland.

Top Universities In the UK For International Students

The prestigious colleges available for education in the UK, it's actually hard to choose the best. But these five universities are constantly ranked in one of the best schools around the globe:

1. University Of Oxford

The ancient university with a rich history in the English-speaking world is also the most well-known and prestigious institution in the United Kingdom. More than 20,000 students are studying in Oxford and among 40% of them are international students.

2. Cambridge University

With six academic schools, this famous school serves approximately 18,000 students. It boasts over 100 libraries, over 80 sports programs, and a slew of extracurricular activities and groups.

3. University College London

UCL is renowned worldwide for their quality teaching and extensive research. The central London location is handy and perfect for foreign students who want to immerse themselves in English culture in between classes. The University of London's foreign offerings are among the best in the country, and this college is widely considered as one of the best in the city.

4. Edinburgh University

The School of Edinburgh attracts elite talent from all around the world, from industrial leaders to Nobel Prize winners. International students were enrolled around 30% of the total here.

5. University Of Manchester

This university has approximately 1,000 degrees available, ranging from core subjects to PhDs. It is at the cutting edge of research in a variety of fields, such as science, engineering, and medicines.

6. London School of Economics

The London School of Economics and Finance (LSE) is ranked eighth in the UK, having dropped five spots this year to rank 49th internationally — the first UK university in our list of top 10 to make it into the world's top 50. LSE is perhaps the most diverse UK higher education institution in our ranking, ranking seventh in the globe for international students.

7. University College Birmingham

Birmingham City Institution is quickly becoming the Midlands' top university for improving the area and promoting local economic growth.

8. University of Bristol

Bristol University was the first in the United Kingdom to admit women on the basis of equality with males, and it was also the first in the country to create a theater department. It is also ecologically sustainable, having been the first to participate in the Green Impact Awards and being an authorized 'Fairtrade University.' International students can get country-specific information on their websites.

9. King's College London

King's College London (KCL) is ranked seventh in the United Kingdom again this year, moving up two positions in the world rankings to equal 31st. KCL, one of four London-based academic institutions in the top ten in the UK, obtains remarkable results across the board, notably in academic reputation, where it ranked among the top 50 institutions in the world.

10. Imperial College London

Oxford University London, the capital's highest-ranked university, won the bronze medal in the United Kingdom. This year, it rises up one rank to eighth place internationally and to ninth place globally in terms of academic reputation.

The Best Universities Of the UK in the Academic Field

Some of the best universities for law in the UK are mentioned below:

● UCL University College London

● Durham University

The universities In the UK that are best for the medical field:

● Oxford University

● Glasgow University

● Swansea University

● Edinburgh University

● University of Dundee

The best universities in Uk for the engineering field are:

● Oxford university

● Cambridge University

● Imperial College London

● University of Manchester

● Warwick university

Top 5 best universities for economics field in the UK:

● London School Of Economics

● Warwick university

● Oxford University

● St.andrews University

● Cambridge University

The renowned universities in psychology fields are:

● University of St. Andrews

● UCL University College London

● Oxford University

● Cambridge University

● University of Bath

The best business schools in the UK are:

● University of St.Andrews

● University Of Exeter

● Loughborough university

● King's College London

Final Thoughts

The topmost ranked universities in the UK are Oxford and Cambridge University, which are almost popular in every field. But there are other prestigious universities to consider in the UK for foreign students.

Thanks for Reading "The Top 10 BEST UK Universities for INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 2022/2023!"

Written by Israt90 for Mr Univeristy

*Note, full t&c on website, prices change over time, information here is opinion and all information should be fact checked*


BRUTALLY Honest Review of SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY - Is the University of Sheffield Good?

BRUTALLY Honest Review of SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY - Is the University of Sheffield Good?

The University of Sheffield is a top UK Uni. Today I review Sheffield University: accommodation, campus, nightlife, UK uni ranking & more! Also, 2 Sheffield University students give an exclusive reveal all interviews about Sheffield Uni! Thank you to today's sponsors Yocket! Yocket is India’s largest community-based digital platform for study abroad aspirants! Enroll in Yocket Premium Advanced Counselling and get a 30% discount using the code: YOUTUBE30 Website: Yocket Premium: Here is the University Comparer mentioned in today's video: Thank you, Bailey and Kez for the Sheffield university interview! Bailey (Bsc and Msc Engineering student at Sheffield): Kez(Bsc in Maths and Philosophy and then Msc Data Science/Analytics at Sheffield): BRUTALLY Honest Review of SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY - Is the University of Sheffield Good? BRUTALLY Honest Review of SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY - Is the University of Sheffield Good? My Instagram @DylanReevesFellows ( MY FREE ONLINE COURSES: 🎬 My Free YouTube Masterclass - Start a Successful YouTube Channel in 2021: 🚀 My Free Course on Stock Market Investing for Beginners: 🧑‍💻 My Free Social Media Masterclass - Building Your Personal Brand: INVESTING/MAKE MONEY: 💰Earn £3-£200! One of My Investment Brokers: FreeTrade - sign up to free trade using my link (Get a FREE share worth between £3-£200!) 🪙 Earn £40! One of my Crypto Brokers: Coinbase - (Earn $10 for signing up and trading bitcoin* & $40 by completing surveys!) 💷 Make Money From Surveys! (From MaxBounty) - MY AMAZON STORE & PHONE WALLETS: 🪁 My Amazon Store (My University Essentials, My Desk Set Up, My Acne curing Skin Care Products, YouTube Gear, Acting and more)🎓 🎬 🎨 🥒 🗺 💻 🍀 My New Student Vlogs Phone Wallets MY OTHER CHANNELS: 🌎 Dylan's Travels - ⚜️ Economics Changed Me - 💬 My Second Channel - MY VERY USEFUL WEBSITES: 📰 University News Sites - 📜 Investing Website - (Stocks&Crypto) 👑 University&Course Selection Website - MY MUSIC & PODCAST: 〽️ My Music 🎙The In My Twenties Podcast SUBSCRIBE FOR: The Acting Club, The Money Club & Lifestyle Vlogs! ABOUT ME: Hey, I'm Dylan, an Economics and Finance Graduate currently studying for a Masters in Professional Acting at ALRA. I make videos about Investing, Travelling, Acting & Exploring Life as a Young adult (along with the occasional university video - just to relive the good old days😉). If this is the type of content you enjoy then subscribe and join the journey of entering into adulthood following all of the above! Hopefully, I'll be a successful actor, have financial freedom, and of travelled most of the world in a few years and you'll be with me every step of the journey. My aim of the content on this channel is to entertain and add value to your life! Disclaimer: Some of the links in the description are affiliate links where I get a small kickback are Affiliate Links and It should be noted that I am not *a qualified financial advisor and you are responsible for your own decisions (I am not liable nor providing advice). All information presented in these videos should be fact-checked as there's no guarantee of accuracy in the video, and any decisions should not be based on any information presented in these videos*. 🎵 Music Used - Static - Land of Fire [Audio Library Release] · Free Copyright-safe Music.mp3 Track: Static — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: Business Inquiries only:
BRUTALLY Honest Review of THE UNIVERSITY OF YORK - Is York University ACTUALLY Good or Not?

BRUTALLY Honest Review of THE UNIVERSITY OF YORK - Is York University ACTUALLY Good or Not?

Today I review University of York (UoY), give you a campus tour of the University of York, talk about the colleges, sports teams and if UoY is a good university to go to. Its a Rusell group university and claimed to be a prestigious University in the UK. Its ranked highly but competes with the likes of university of Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield and all of these other universities in relation to getting freshers, new students and more! Hopefully this video will help prospective students decide if they want to go to the University of York to study for their degree. Ps Night life is very good. UK University. UK University of York. The University of York - Is York University ACTUALLY Good or Not? (The Truth!) My Instagram @DylanReevesFellows ( MY FREE ONLINE COURSES: 🎬 My Free YouTube Masterclass - Start a Successful YouTube Channel in 2021: 🚀 My Free Course on Stock Market Investing for Beginners: 🧑‍💻 My Free Social Media Masterclass - Building Your Personal Brand: INVESTING/MAKE MONEY: 💰One of My Investment Brokers: FreeTrade - sign up to free trade using my link (Get a FREE share worth between £3-£200!) 💷 Make Money From Surveys! (From MaxBounty) - MY AMAZON STORE & PHONE WALLETS: 🪁 My Amazon Store (My University Essentials, My Desk Set Up, My Acne curing Skin Care Products, YouTube Gear, Acting and more)🎓 🎬 🎨 🥒 🗺 💻 🍀 My New Student Vlogs Phone Wallets MY OTHER CHANNELS: 🌎 Dylan's Travels - ⚜️ Economics Changed Me - 💬 My Second Channel - MY VERY USEFUL WEBSITES: 📰 University News Sites - 📜 Investing Website - (Stocks&Crypto) 👑 University&Course Selection Website - MY MUSIC & PODCAST: 〽️ My Music 🎙The In My Twenties Podcast ABOUT ME: Hey, I'm Dylan, an Economics and Finance Graduate currently studying for a Masters in Professional Acting at ALRA. I make videos about Investing, Travelling, Acting & Exploring Life as a Young adult (along with the occasional university video - just to relive the good old days😉). If this is the type of content you enjoy then subscribe and join the journey of entering into adulthood following all of the above! Hopefully, I'll be a successful actor, have financial freedom, and of travelled most of the world in a few years and you'll be with me every step of the journey. My aim of the content on this channel is to entertain and add value to your life! Disclaimer: Some of the links in the description are affiliate links where I get a small kickback are Affiliate Links and It should be noted that I am not *a qualified financial advisor and you are responsible for your own decisions (I am not liable nor providing advice). All information presented in these videos should be fact-checked as there's no guarantee of accuracy in the video, and any decisions should not be based on any information presented in these videos*. 🎵 Music Used - Wanderlust CRASTEL AL Release Copyrightsafe.mp3 - Our Leaves in the Breeze ArtificialMusic Audio Library Release Free Copyrightsafe Music.mp3 Broll Credits: My Videos and University of York YouTube channel Business Inquiries only:
BRUTALLY Honest Review of CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY - Is the University of Cambridge Good?

BRUTALLY Honest Review of CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY - Is the University of Cambridge Good?

The University of Cambridge is a top UK University and Cambridge is a top Uni in the world. Today I review Cambridge University: accommodation, campus, nightlife, UK uni ranking & more! I show Cambridge business school, Cambridge Colleges, talk about the Cambridge interview process and how to get into Cambridge university since it's a very hard process when applying through ucas. Cambridge University Review and the truth about Cambridge University.... Is it really good? My Instagram @DylanReevesFellows ( MY FREE ONLINE COURSES: 🎬 My Free YouTube Video Editing Masterclass - Editing for YouTube Sucess in Premiere Pro!: 🚀 My Free Course on Stock Market Investing for Beginners: 🧑‍💻 My Free Social Media Masterclass - Building Your Personal Brand: BRUTALLY Honest Review of CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY - Is the University of Cambridge Good? BRUTALLY Honest Review of CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY - Is the University of Cambridge Good? INVESTING/MAKE MONEY: 💰Earn £3-£200! One of My Investment Brokers: FreeTrade - sign up to free trade using my link (Get a FREE share worth between £3-£200!) 🪙 Earn £40! One of my Crypto Brokers: Coinbase - (Earn $10 for signing up and trading bitcoin* & $40 by completing surveys!) 💷 Make Money From Surveys! (From MaxBounty) - MY AMAZON STORE & PHONE WALLETS: 🪁 My Amazon Store (My University Essentials, My Desk Set Up, My Acne curing Skin Care Products, YouTube Gear, Acting and more)🎓 🎬 🎨 🥒 🗺 💻 🍀 My New Student Vlogs Phone Wallets MY OTHER CHANNELS: 🌎 Dylan's Travels - ⚜️ Economics Changed Me - 💬 My Second Channel - MY VERY USEFUL WEBSITES: 📰 University News Sites - 📜 Investing Website - (Stocks&Crypto) 👑 University&Course Selection Website - MY MUSIC & PODCAST: 〽️ My Music 🎙The In My Twenties Podcast SUBSCRIBE FOR: The Acting Club, The Money Club & Lifestyle Vlogs! ABOUT ME: Hey, I'm Dylan, an Economics and Finance Graduate currently studying for a Masters in Professional Acting at ALRA. I make videos about Investing, Travelling, Acting & Exploring Life as a Young adult (along with the occasional university video - just to relive the good old days😉). If this is the type of content you enjoy then subscribe and join the journey of entering into adulthood following all of the above! Hopefully, I'll be a successful actor, have financial freedom, and of travelled most of the world in a few years and you'll be with me every step of the journey. My aim of the content on this channel is to entertain and add value to your life! Disclaimer: Some of the links in the description are affiliate links where I get a small kickback are Affiliate Links and It should be noted that I am not *a qualified financial advisor and you are responsible for your own decisions (I am not liable nor providing advice). All information presented in these videos should be fact-checked as there's no guarantee of accuracy in the video, and any decisions should not be based on any information presented in these videos*. 🎵 Music Used: - September Rain by Yme Fresh Creative Commons Attribution license -EXTENDED Static - Land of Fire [Audio Library Release] · Free Copyright-safe Music -Music from historic videos from and Young Raf (Its linked on original videos) Broll Used: "Cambridge University Campus Tour" on youtube Business Inquiries only:
BRUTALLY Honest Review of THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS -  Is Leeds Uni worth the Hype?

BRUTALLY Honest Review of THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS - Is Leeds Uni worth the Hype?

The University of Leeds is a top UK University and internationally recognized. Today I review Leeds University: accommodation, campus, nightlife, UK uni ranking & more! I show and react to the Leeds university campus and talk about my experience in Leeds and at the University of Leeds. Is it worth the hype? Should you apply? Should you go to the University of Leeds in 2022? Thank you to Yocket for sponsoring today's video: Yocket is India’s largest community-based digital platform for study abroad aspirants! Enroll in Yocket Premium Advanced Counselling and get a 30% discount using the code: YOUTUBE30 Website: Yocket Premium: Yocket Country Guides: 0:00 Leeds University Overview 2:33 University of Leeds Ranking 3:45 Accommodation 5:45 Sponsor: Yocket 7:19 City Campus 8:12 Uni Housing 8:57 Leeds University Nightlife 11:00 Campus Tour 12:22 Leeds University Conclusion Does Leeds live up to its expectation of having really good nightlife? Is the university good? Uni of Leeds ranking is high so i did expect a lot. should you go to the university of Leeds?? .... Where does Leeds rank in the university rankings 2022? My Instagram @DylanReevesFellows ( MY FREE ONLINE COURSES: 🎬 My Free YouTube Video Editing Masterclass - Editing for YouTube Sucess in Premiere Pro!: 🚀 My Free Course on Stock Market Investing for Beginners: 🧑‍💻 My Free Social Media Masterclass - Building Your Personal Brand: INVESTING/MAKE MONEY: 💰Earn £3-£200! One of My Investment Brokers: FreeTrade - sign up to free trade using my link (Get a FREE share worth between £3-£200!) 🪙 Earn £40! One of my Crypto Brokers: Coinbase - (Earn $10 for signing up and trading bitcoin* & $40 by completing surveys!) 💷 Make Money From Surveys! (From MaxBounty) - MY AMAZON STORE & PHONE WALLETS: 🪁 My Amazon Store (My University Essentials, My Desk Set Up, My Acne curing Skin Care Products, YouTube Gear, Acting and more)🎓 🎬 🎨 🥒 🗺 💻 🍀 My New Student Vlogs Phone Wallets MY OTHER CHANNELS: 🌎 Dylan's Travels - ⚜️ Economics Changed Me - 💬 My Second Channel - MY VERY USEFUL WEBSITES: 📰 University News Sites - 📜 Investing Website - (Stocks&Crypto) 👑 University&Course Selection Website - MY MUSIC & PODCAST: 〽️ My Music 🎙The In My Twenties Podcast SUBSCRIBE FOR: The Acting Club, The Money Club & Lifestyle Vlogs! ABOUT ME: Hey, I'm Dylan, an Economics and Finance Graduate currently studying for a Masters in Professional Acting at ALRA. I make videos about Investing, Travelling, Acting & Exploring Life as a Young adult (along with the occasional university video - just to relive the good old days😉). If this is the type of content you enjoy then subscribe and join the journey of entering into adulthood following all of the above! Hopefully, I'll be a successful actor, have financial freedom, and of travelled most of the world in a few years and you'll be with me every step of the journey. My aim of the content on this channel is to entertain and add value to your life! Disclaimer: Some of the links in the description are affiliate links where I get a small kickback are Affiliate Links and It should be noted that I am not *a qualified financial advisor and you are responsible for your own decisions (I am not liable nor providing advice). All information presented in these videos should be fact-checked as there's no guarantee of accuracy in the video, and any decisions should not be based on any information presented in these videos*. 🎵 Music Used - September Rain – Yme Fresh (No Copyright Music).mp3 EXTENDED Static - Land of Fire [Audio Library Release] · Free Copyright-safe Music.mp3 Business Inquiries only:
BRUTALLY Honest Review of THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS - Is LSE actually a Good University?

BRUTALLY Honest Review of THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS - Is LSE actually a Good University?

Today I review The London School of Economics (LSE), I give you a campus tour of the LSE, talk to LSE students, and more! The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: ... Let's If LSE is actually a good or bad University in 2022. We review if LSE is actually a good university and if you should go to study at the London School of Economics as an international student or a domestic student. LSE Is a Rusell group university and it is ranked the 4th best university in the UK and one of the best universities in the world when it comes to UK University rankings. It Is ranked higher than the likes of universities of Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield, York with only Cambridge University, St Andrews, and Oxford University ranking higher. Hopefully, this video will help prospective students decide if they want to go to the London School of Economics and Political Sciences to study for their degree. 0:00 University Review Series welcome! 1:15 LSE University Expectations 1:36 London School of Economics University Ranking 2022 2:40 LSE Location - University In London 2:49 University Nightlife In London 3:57 The People at University (LSE) 5:00 London School of Economics Campus Tour 13:46 LSE Accommodation 14:31 Googling LSE for Reviews of the Uni 15:40 LSE University Conclusion/Review My Instagram @DylanReevesFellows ( MY FREE ONLINE COURSES: ⮕🎬 My Free YouTube Video Editing Masterclass - Editing for YouTube Sucess in Premiere Pro!: ⮕🚀 My Free Course on Stock Market Investing for Beginners: ⮕🧑‍💻 My Free Social Media Masterclass - Building Your Personal Brand: INVESTING/MAKE MONEY: ⮕💰Earn £3-£200! One of My Stocks Investment Brokers: FreeTrade - sign up to free trade using my link (Get a FREE share worth between £3-£200!) ⮕💎Earn $25 Sign Up Bonus! My Crypto Cash Back Visa Card Broker: Crypto(.)com - Use my referral link to sign up for and we both get $25 USD :)* ⮕💷 Make Money From Surveys! (From MaxBounty) - MY AMAZON STORE & PHONE WALLETS: ⮕🪁 My Amazon Store (My University Essentials, My Desk Set Up, My Acne curing Skin Care Products, YouTube Gear, Acting and more)🎓 🎬 🎨 🥒 🗺 💻 ⮕🍀 My New Student Vlogs Phone Wallets MY OTHER CHANNELS: ⮕🌎 Dylan's Travels - ⮕⚜️ Economics Changed Me - ⮕💬 My Second Channel - ADDITIONAL PROJECTS: ⮕👑 My NFT Business Selection Website - ⮕📰 University News Sites - ⮕📜 Investing Website - (Stocks&Crypto) MY MUSIC & PODCAST: ⮕〽️ My Music ⮕🎙The In My Twenties Podcast SUBSCRIBE FOR: Acting, Financial, Travel & Lifestyle Content. ABOUT ME: I'm Dylan, I have a BSc In Economics&Finance and a MA In Professional Acting. I make videos about Investing, Travelling, Acting & Exploring Life as a Young adult (along with the occasional university video - just to relive the good old days ). Disclaimer: Some of the links in the description are affiliate links where I get a small kickback are Affiliate Links and It should be noted that I am not *a qualified financial advisor and you are responsible for your own decisions (I am not liable nor providing advice). All information presented in these videos should be fact-checked as there's no guarantee of accuracy in the video, and any decisions should not be based on any information presented in these videos*. * means extra T&Cs required. 🎵 Music Used - From YouTube Audio Library - Dramatic Orchestral – JP Bianchini (No Copyright Music).mp3 Dramatic Orchestral by JP Bianchini Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library -chill. by sakura Hz Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library Business Inquiries only:
BRUTALLY Honest Review of ST MARYS UNIVERSITY - London Uni with Bridgeton Style Campus!

BRUTALLY Honest Review of ST MARYS UNIVERSITY - London Uni with Bridgeton Style Campus!

Today I review St Marys University In London, I give you a campus tour of St Marys University, look at St Marys University Twickenham facilities, and what life is like at a London University! This is a London University with a Bridgerton style campus as it's crazy! I was surprised by this London University. We review if St Marys University is actually a good university and if you should go to study St Marys University Twickenham as an international student or a domestic student. Is St Marys University Is a Rusell group university? Where is St Marys University ranked in the UK University rankings? Is St Marys University religious? Is St Marys University good? It Is ranked lower than the likes of universities of Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield, York, Cambridge University, St Andrews, and Oxford University ranking lower. Hopefully, this video will help prospective students decide if they want to go to St Marys University as an international student or a domestic student. Is university In London good? What is university In London like? ALSO please note a few days after filming and making this video my drama school, randomly shut down... So yeh awks! But my masters will never be gotten again haha. 0:00 University Review Series Welcome 1:18 St Marys University Twickenham Location & University Ranking (League Tables) 2:12 Is St Mary's Uni London Religious? 2:50 University Campus Tour 6:40 Uni Facilities 7:19 SMU Twickenham Google Searches & student poopulation 9:03 My Drama School Masters 9:49 Life In London as a Student MY FREE ONLINE COURSES: 🎬 My Free YouTube Video Editing Masterclass - Editing for YouTube Sucess in Premiere Pro!: 🧑‍💻 My Free Social Media Masterclass - Building Your Personal Brand: INVESTING/MAKING MONEY: 💎💰💷 I Studied Finance at university & thus love a good way to make money instantly. Take a look at these referral bonuses where you can earn up to £250 by signing up to these Stocks & Crypto brokers + Earn Money by taking Surveys: MY AMAZON STORE & PHONE WALLETS: 🪁 My Amazon Store (My University, Travel, Acting, Skincare & Filming Essentials+ 2022 Desk Set-Up)🎓 🎬 🎨 🥒 🗺 💻 🍀 My New Student Vlogs Phone Wallets MY OTHER CHANNELS: 🌎 Dylan's Travels - ⚜️ Economics Changed Me - 💬 Dylan&Co - ADDITIONAL PROJECTS: 👑 My NFT Business Website - 📰 University News Sites - 〽️ My Music 🎙 The In My Twenties Podcast 🥷 My Ecosystem In Full 👨‍🚀 My Instagram @DylanReevesFellows 🧝‍♂️ My TikTok, Twitter, Insta & Twitch ABOUT ME: I'm Dylan, I have a BSc In Economics&Finance and a MA In Professional Acting. I make videos about Investing, Travelling, Acting & Exploring Life as a Young adult (along with the occasional university video). Hopefully, I'll be a successful actor, have financial freedom, and have traveled most of the world in a few years and you'll be with me every step of the journey! Disclaimer: Some links in the description are affiliate links where I get a small kickback. I am not a qualified financial advisor, I am not offering financial advice & you are responsible for your own decisions (I am not liable). All information presented in these videos should be fact-checked as there's no guarantee of accuracy & any decisions you make should not be based on any information presented in these videos. 🎵 Music Used - Business Inquiries only:
BRUTALLY Honest Review of IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON University - Imperial Uni Is it IMPOSSIBLE?

BRUTALLY Honest Review of IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON University - Imperial Uni Is it IMPOSSIBLE?

Today I review Imperial College London. Imperial Is a top UK University, that's very hard to get into, but whats Imperial College really like? The first 1,000 people to use the link or my code studentvlogsdylan get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: (AD) In today's video, I review Imperial college. I give you a campus tour, review Imperial College London nightlife, Look at imperials university ranking, speak to some Imperial college students who give a crazy honest interview, and more! This is another episode in The Uk Uni review series which aims to help students decide and find out what university they should go to! Today's review of the ICL should hopefully help international students and other students wanting to go to university decide if Imperial is the right university for them! 0:00 University Review Series - Welcome 1:19 Imperial Location & Claims 1:51 Imperial College London University Ranking 2:39 Graduate Interview: Hard? Nightlife? Teaching? 3:30 Imperial College London Campus Tour 9:34 Crazy Student Interview.. 10:05 Campus Review 11:41 Student Population 11:45 Entry Requirements 11:56 International Student Population & London! 13:09 Imperial College London University Conclusion! Please remember everything here is just opinion and it should not be used as the sole basis of information for your university decision. I have not personally been here and so encourage you to form your own opinion. MY FREE ONLINE COURSES: 🎬 My Free YouTube Video Editing Masterclass - Editing for YouTube Sucess in Premiere Pro!: 🧑‍💻 My Free Social Media Masterclass - Building Your Personal Brand: INVESTING/MAKING MONEY: 💎💰💷 I Studied Finance at university & thus love a good way to make money instantly. Take a look at these referral bonuses where you can earn up to £250 by signing up to these Stocks & Crypto brokers + Earn Money by taking Surveys: MY AMAZON STORE & PHONE WALLETS: 🪁 My Amazon Store (My University, Travel, Acting, Skincare & Filming Essentials+ 2022 Desk Set-Up)🎓 🎬 🎨 🥒 🗺 💻 🍀 My New Student Vlogs Phone Wallets MY OTHER CHANNELS: 🌎 Dylan's Travels - ⚜️ Economics Changed Me - 💬 Dylan&Co - ADDITIONAL PROJECTS: 👑 My NFT Business Website - 📰 University News Sites - 〽️ My Music 🎙 The In My Twenties Podcast 🥷 My Ecosystem In Full 👨‍🚀 My Instagram @DylanReevesFellows 🧝‍♂️ My TikTok, Twitter, Insta & Twitch ABOUT ME: I'm Dylan, I have a BSc In Economics&Finance and a MA In Professional Acting. I make videos about Investing, Travelling, Acting & Exploring Life as a Young adult (along with the occasional university video). Hopefully, I'll be a successful actor, have financial freedom, and have traveled most of the world in a few years and you'll be with me every step of the journey! Disclaimer: Some links in the description are affiliate links where I get a small kickback. I am not a qualified financial advisor, I am not offering financial advice & you are responsible for your own decisions (I am not liable). All information presented in these videos should be fact-checked as there's no guarantee of accuracy & any decisions you make should not be based on any information presented in these videos. 🎵 Music Used - Track: Wanderlust — CRASTEL [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: Free Download / Stream: ---- Track: Static — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: Free Download / Stream: ---- Late to Rise (Feat. yobbzsmokedoutphonk) by Your Friend, Ghost Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library ---- Track: Superstar — Soyb [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: Free Download / Stream: Business Inquiries only:
BRUTALLY Honest Review of SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY - Is the University of Sheffield Good?

BRUTALLY Honest Review of SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY - Is the University of Sheffield Good?

The University of Sheffield is a top UK Uni. Today I review Sheffield University: accommodation, campus, nightlife, UK uni ranking & more! Also, 2 Sheffield University students give an exclusive reveal all interviews about Sheffield Uni! Thank you to today's sponsors Yocket! Yocket is India’s largest community-based digital platform for study abroad aspirants! Enroll in Yocket Premium Advanced Counselling and get a 30% discount using the code: YOUTUBE30 Website: Yocket Premium: Here is the University Comparer mentioned in today's video: Thank you, Bailey and Kez for the Sheffield university interview! Bailey (Bsc and Msc Engineering student at Sheffield): Kez(Bsc in Maths and Philosophy and then Msc Data Science/Analytics at Sheffield): BRUTALLY Honest Review of SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY - Is the University of Sheffield Good? BRUTALLY Honest Review of SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY - Is the University of Sheffield Good? My Instagram @DylanReevesFellows ( MY FREE ONLINE COURSES: 🎬 My Free YouTube Masterclass - Start a Successful YouTube Channel in 2021: 🚀 My Free Course on Stock Market Investing for Beginners: 🧑‍💻 My Free Social Media Masterclass - Building Your Personal Brand: INVESTING/MAKE MONEY: 💰Earn £3-£200! One of My Investment Brokers: FreeTrade - sign up to free trade using my link (Get a FREE share worth between £3-£200!) 🪙 Earn £40! One of my Crypto Brokers: Coinbase - (Earn $10 for signing up and trading bitcoin* & $40 by completing surveys!) 💷 Make Money From Surveys! (From MaxBounty) - MY AMAZON STORE & PHONE WALLETS: 🪁 My Amazon Store (My University Essentials, My Desk Set Up, My Acne curing Skin Care Products, YouTube Gear, Acting and more)🎓 🎬 🎨 🥒 🗺 💻 🍀 My New Student Vlogs Phone Wallets MY OTHER CHANNELS: 🌎 Dylan's Travels - ⚜️ Economics Changed Me - 💬 My Second Channel - MY VERY USEFUL WEBSITES: 📰 University News Sites - 📜 Investing Website - (Stocks&Crypto) 👑 University&Course Selection Website - MY MUSIC & PODCAST: 〽️ My Music 🎙The In My Twenties Podcast SUBSCRIBE FOR: The Acting Club, The Money Club & Lifestyle Vlogs! ABOUT ME: Hey, I'm Dylan, an Economics and Finance Graduate currently studying for a Masters in Professional Acting at ALRA. I make videos about Investing, Travelling, Acting & Exploring Life as a Young adult (along with the occasional university video - just to relive the good old days😉). If this is the type of content you enjoy then subscribe and join the journey of entering into adulthood following all of the above! Hopefully, I'll be a successful actor, have financial freedom, and of travelled most of the world in a few years and you'll be with me every step of the journey. My aim of the content on this channel is to entertain and add value to your life! Disclaimer: Some of the links in the description are affiliate links where I get a small kickback are Affiliate Links and It should be noted that I am not *a qualified financial advisor and you are responsible for your own decisions (I am not liable nor providing advice). All information presented in these videos should be fact-checked as there's no guarantee of accuracy in the video, and any decisions should not be based on any information presented in these videos*. 🎵 Music Used - Static - Land of Fire [Audio Library Release] · Free Copyright-safe Music.mp3 Track: Static — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: Business Inquiries only:
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