Most of the people believe that money is power. Why do we believe so? The reason we think so is that money takes people to a stage that we consider to be the achievement and success of life. People feel the need for money in every aspect of life. The first characteristic of self- reliance is that to have a strong financial foundation. Because in today’s world the people we see at the top of success are all financially successful and established.

Do people make money just for themselves? . Financially successful and established people are the ones who do the biggest public welfare work in the world .
From our education life, we dream of being a successful and established person in life.
From our education life we dream of earning money to fulfill our big and small dreams. It takes hesitation to go to the door of parents again and again for our own pocket money. But in addition to studying, it is very difficult to get a full time job for money . Because it can be a loss of education. Therefore, students are becoming more and more interested in part time jobs as they study. A part time job in student life is a job for which you do not have to go to the office at certain time. .Anyone can use their extra time to do a part time job. In education life ,Anyone who does a part time job can easily become self sufficient. Moreover, that easiest way to prove your worth is a part time job.
So today we will talk about top five part time job for university student That anyone who does that can be self-reliant in student life.
· Tutoring
Education is the backbone of the nation. Providing education is a great profession. Teaching is a noble profession. In all cases, the importance and dignity of a teacher is commendable. So making money by tutoring is a very ideal job for university student. Teaching others increases our own experience and knowledge. Nowadays there is a huge demand for tutoring. Along with home tutoring, The demand of online tutoring is increasing tremendously. Teachers of various subjects we can now easily get in online. So if you are interested in teaching profession then touring is the ideal profession for you. Anybody can easily become self-reliant by doing this part time job. At present teachers are highly paid.
· Freelancing
Now the job we are going to discuss is currently at it’s peak of popularity. Yes, I’m talking about freelancing. Freelancing is a means by which you can earn money in online. Freelancing is a great way to earn money at home. Millions of people are now leaning towards this Profession . It is an independent profession. Anyone can do this job from anywhere . Freelancing is the best way to prove your worth by using your experience. There is a lot of demand of work in this sector. There are many job opportunities in freelancing. People are earning so much money by freelancing that Many people are not able to earn that much money even after doing full- time job . Here you can do different types of work such as, Marketing, social marketing, digital marketing, writing, blog writing, typing, content writing, programming web developing, Logo designing, and much more. You can use your skills and experience to strengthen your position in freelancing. Many people are doing freelancing for more income even after doing full time job . Freelancing is considered a good job as a part time job for students.
· Photographer
Now that I'll talk about the profession, it's what most people choose as a hobby. Yes, it’s photography. Photography can be a wonderful profession for you, by using the experience of Capturing photos. It is considered as an Independent and free profession . At present it is a profitable business because it has a huge demand. Lots of income can be earned by taking pictures at various events like wedding, birthday, anniversary program, baby shower and so on. Many people are making money by doing food photography, nature photography , travel photography , fashion photography, landscape photography and many more. It can be very lucrative as a part time job With good photography skills, photographer can easily gain recognition and popularity. These profession can easily makes them successful. So it can be said , that if you have good skill at photography then there can be no better job than this as a part time job.
· Salesman
Now we will talk about one of the best money making part time job . Yes it’s salesman. This job is for you if you have the ability to present the quality of the product beautifully to the buyer. Every established business has a significant contribution of a products seller. So for the betterment of the business good businessmen want to do this work with the students. So as a part time job you can choose this job of salesman. It is possible to get a good salary if you work as a salesman. Students are seen working as a salesman in various big super shops. It is possible to earn good money by working in a book shop, clothes shops, grocery store and super shop and many more. These activities further enhance the experience and skills of the students.
· Tour guide
The last thing we want to talk about is the Tour guide. At present it is a very famous profession. It is the job of the tour guide to inform the travel loving people about the places they visit. It is the job of the tour guide to inform the travel enthusiasts in details about the place they are visiting. It is a well paid job. This job is for you, if you can make tourists happy by providing complete Information about the sights. So anyone can choose this profession as a part time job in their student life.